Oh what sweet memories.
Climbing the oak and mimosa trees.
Surveying our kingdom.
Feeding the chickens.
Gathering eggs from the rat infested chicken pen.
Feeding the rabbits.
Playing in the barn.
Discovering the "Santa" gifts.
Telling her there was a snake so she would not see.
Going to Dereck's barn and playing all day.
Getting grounded - "Do not leave this yard!"
Laughing because Dad was at work all day, how would he know?
Driving the truck while the men haul hay.
Driving the tractor in the hayfield.
Drinking Cokes under the big oak tree.
Mandatory early rising to burn brush.
Singing "Neighbors" really loud to annoy Dad.
Paybacks are hell!
The two of us building barb wire fence on leased property.
Grounded again, but this time we have to work.
It is so hot, but we have a visitor with cold drinks.
Going to college without her.
Finally she decides to go to A&M.
She reads "Rage of Angels" over and over.
Moving to San Antonio for my first job.
She is working in our home town at the local museum.
She is married, but it is not good.
Q asks me to marry him.
I ask her to be my Matron of Honor.
She, Katie and Joey sing "Amazing Grace" at the wedding.
Uh oh. She is getting a divorce.
Maybe she would want to live with us and watch the baby.
She could finish college.
Thank goodness, she says yes.
She moves in with us.
The baby is born. She is there for us.
She watches Avery during the day,
She goes to college at night.
We watch "Silk Stalkings" on Sunday nights with our Cafe Vienna!
Another baby girl.
She watches them and continues college.
Graduation is getting closer.
A degree in Human Resources is right up her alley.
Help people by telling them what to do!!!
Move into condo. Get her first HR job.
She met a man she loves.
They get married at the Little Chapel.
It rains so much we lose electricity and have to go to a hotel to get ready.
Lots of trips together.
Girl trips to Missouri.
The thrill of feeding cows is gone.
Canoe down the white river.
Oh no, the canoe flips.
Grab the camera before it is ruined.
Ride the rapids on life vests.
That is a killer our knees.
Katie racing down the river to get Colie's water shoe!
Lafayette Louisiana. Can you say seafood?
Blue Dog Cafe. Laughing til we cry.
Remember when Dereck used to kill mosquitoes on the school bus.
Eureka Springs. Charlie please stop crying.
What a cute house. She gets the jacuzzi!!
Where will we eat? Aren't there any restaurants in this town?
A visit to Carmel California.
Reading our novels by the remote controlled fire.
Coach purses that cheap? Unbelievable.
A quick trip to Texas for Avery's prom.
Aunt Donna, paint my toenails.
Aunt Donna, do you have waterproof mascara?
I love you and am so happy you are my sister.
I look forward to many more adventures.
Happy Birthday Sweet Nellie!