Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Obie and Tango

Two little wild kitties.
Their life will be cut short, can't you take them?
One is black, one is Siamese.
We already have 4 cats, what is two more?
Load them in the carrier.
Drive home, four hours away.

They are so scared.
Put them in the bathroom for a few days.
Good news, they use the litter box!

Leave the bathroom door open.
Will they come out to explore?
They hide every time you go in to check on them.

Finally they venture out.
The black one is very sweet.
The Siamese one is shy and hides under the ottoman.

What to name them?
Nash, Mellie, Ashley, Rhett, Scarlett,
Obie One Canobie, Tango or Cash?

Obie is the black kitty.
He likes to snuggle.
He purrs really loud when you pet his back.

Tango is the Siamese.
She likes to attack things in my sewing room and make a mess.
She likes to jump on the big cats.

Obie and Tango.
Two babies who got a second chance.
Two babies who add spice to the Smith house.


  1. What is just two more ????? Nothing much, to my friend Beth whose heart and home take in stray kittens, lonely old lady friends, and frightened teens. You are a blessing and your words of truth heal!

  2. Liz,
    I have finally made it back to my blog. Summer is no time for me to be sitting on the computer. Summer is coming to an end, so I intend to get back on track with writing and quilting.
    I picked up Avery's last high school schedule today. So weird.
