Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Observations at 7,280 Feet

We spent last week in Colorado. We rented a condo on the Arkansas River and Q and I took four teenage girls to the mountains.

1. The setting was beautiful. Temperatures were cool. Thank you God, since we did not have air conditioning!

2. Four teenage girls can get along for a WHOLE week without fighting!!

3. Eating at a restaurant while it is pouring down rain is charming. It is not so charming for all of the parties involved though when the rain starts leaking on your table and they bring a bucket to catch the water!!!

4. Cute teenage girls attract the best tour guides!

5. July in Colorado is the rainy season.

6. Traveling with adult children is better than traveling with small children!

7. As long as there is a Wal-Mart, we can get what we need.

8. T-shirt painting is not only a do-at-home activity. The girls designed t-shirts for the zip-line tour. They said "Hold your tits" or "Hold your chi-chis"!!!

9. YOLO is not a saying in Colorado, it is a trendy clothing store we frequented.

10. If you cannot find a cool scarf to purchase, buy a cheap dress and cut it up to make a scarf when you get home.